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Herbal Medicine is the People’s Medicine and is Inexpensive or Free!

Whole plants and foods are the keys to the health you are yearning for.

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Join us on the Unity Tour, October 5th, 2024. Click here to learn more.

Kimberly Ancient Mother Wisdom headshot photo

ABOUT Kimberly

During my life I have been blessed with an abundance of life experiences. From working three jobs to get through college, including bartending at a 5-star restaurant, to traveling the world 1st Class on an expense account and staying in 5-star hotels, to building a career in finance and then seeing it crash and burn in 2008. Reinventing myself after the life-changing shamanic herbal apprenticeship with Susun S. Weed that same year. I sold real estate in NY successfully for 12 years until my Mom got really sick. I sold my beautiful Queen Anne Victorian on Long Island and moved to Florida!

Shortly after I moved to Florida I had a car accident that severely injured my right hip, making it impossible for me to continue selling real estate.  Since I had a finance background, I got my Mortgage license and now I’m a wholesale mortgage broker.

I do not sell products.  I encourage you to do your own research, as always.  And know that I am objective with my consultations because I am not advertising any product.

Herbal medicine is the People’s medicine.  Inexpensive or free.  We are created perfect!  Whole!  Holy!  Whole plants and foods are the keys to health.  Nourishing our powerful bodies and the Being-ness of the pure positive Source energy that is our essence.  That’s Lifestyle Medicine.  Nourishing our rational minds with Mind Medicine and Story Medicine.  Engaging with our Wise Healer Within to discern the lessons of dis-ease.  Nourishing health is always safe and effective.  The Ancient Mother Wisdom says to first do no harm.  Be still and listen—Serenity Medicine.

When we have a health problem that doesn’t resolve through nourishing and tonifying our wondrously made bodies, there may be a need to restore health by more dangerous measures.  While these remedies may restore health, they come at a cost.  The actions of these medicines always erode health while dealing with the dis-ease.  These include herbal sedatives and stimulants, cleansing, purging and detoxing.   This is Herbal Medicine.  And if these remedies don’t resolve the issue, we may choose to move on to Pharmaceutical Medicine, taking drugs and synthetic poisons that cannot heal and can be fatal, by definition.  These are the furthest from Nature.  And if the condition still does not resolve, we may need to break and enter the body with high technology procedures, radiation or surgery.  The mission is to destroy obstacles.  This is High Tech Medicine.

Sometimes there is an acute health issue where death may be imminent.  In which case all Seven Medicines may be called upon together.  Ancient Mother Wisdom says do what your Wise Healer Within counsels.  You are your own powerful healer.

Ancient Mother Wisdom is to look within for the path to health.

You are the ONLY one who can heal you.  I am not a healer of anyone other than me.  What I CAN do is help you remember and guide you on your own healing journey.

Will you join me?


Academy of Herbal Medicine where I offer courses on whole foods & herbs.
Powerful Medicine!

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